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Mailinglist Digital History Network Switzerland

Privacy policy

This data protection statement provides information on what data the Digital History Network Switzerland collects, processes and discloses from the users of its mailing list and for what purpose, and what measures it takes to ensure the security of this data. In addition, users are informed about their rights.

The web page is redirected to the web page For this web page, the privacy policy of applies. registration page for the mailing list of the Digital History Network Switzerland, to all sub-pages linked on this website within the domain, as well as to the data management necessary in connection with the mailing list.

Type, scope and purpose of the collected data

Subscribing to the mailing list of the Digital History Network Switzerland requires the collection, processing and longer-term storage of the following personal data: E-mail address and name (optional). The e-mail addresses are used for sending messages that arrive on the list. Messages to the mailing list are stored in the archive and can be accessed by subscribers.

The data will be processed in accordance with Swiss data protection law, in particular the Federal Data Protection Act and the Ordinance on Data Protection.

Subscribers to the mailing list can unsubscribe at any time.


The web page is redirected to the web page This web page uses cookies. For this web page, the privacy policy of applies. The other web pages of the network do not use cookies.

Storage of access data

The Digital History Network Switzerland does not store any access data itself. For security reasons, e.g. to be able to clarify cases of abuse or to secure the network infrastructure, it uses the Cloudflare service. Cloudflare automatically collects and stores so-called access data when the websites of the Swiss Digital History Network are accessed. Details can be found in Cloudflare's data protection policy, which can be found at

Data security

The Digital History Network Switzerland uses technical and organisational security measures to ensure that the data collected and processed via its websites remain confidential and are protected against accidental or unlawful access, alteration or disclosure, as well as against loss and destruction. Authorisation to access the data is granted exclusively according to the principle of necessity ("need-to-know") to those persons who need to access the personal data due to their function and task.

The web pages of the Digital History Network Switzerland are offered in encrypted form. Encryption ensures that a requested website or the requested data also come from the server it claims to be. Unencrypted data traffic can be manipulated by third parties.

The measures to be taken depend on the type of information, the type and purpose of use and the respective state of the art.

Rights of the users

Users of the websites of the Digital History Network Switzerland, through which personal data are processed, have the right at any time, within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, to

In this regard, users can contact us at any time at: [email protected]


The Digital History Network Switzerland reserves the right to adapt this privacy policy at any time if necessary. The current status of this data protection declaration is 15 September 2023.


Digital History Network Switzerland
Gutenbergstrasse 37
3011 Bern